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September Newsletter Blogs
September Newsletter
Areeba Abid October 01, 2023

Hello Superwomen Community!

With time, our community continues to gain recognition and make strides in empowering women across Pakistan. This month, we shine a spotlight on our collective achievements, showcasing the incredible progress we've made together. Superwomen Pakistan is thrilled to bring you a newsletter filled with inspiration, highlights, and a glimpse into our ongoing journey. Let's celebrate the recognition we've earned and the achievements that lie ahead!

Founder And CEO's Reflection

"Dear Superwomen,

As our community grows and gains recognition, I'm humbled and inspired by the strength and determination of each Superwoman. Our journey is ongoing, and together, we are achieving remarkable things. Let's take a moment to reflect on our achievements and look ahead to the future with excitement.

With gratitude and pride,

Sadaf Altaf Lohya"


Superwomen Achievements

Celebrating Our Achievements

Recognizing Our Superwomen Stars

This month, we're celebrating the achievements of Superwomen who have made a significant impact in their communities and beyond. Your stories of resilience and empowerment inspire us all. Visit our website and social media channels to read about these remarkable women. Let's continue to support and uplift each other.


seasonal care

Seasonal Self-Care

With each passing season, our self-care needs evolve. As we transition from one month to the next, consider how you can adapt your self-care routine. Stay tuned for our upcoming blog post on seasonal self-care tips to help you thrive as we move forward.

Looking Ahead with Goals


Empowerment Challenge: Setting New Goals

As we continue our journey, let's set new goals and aspirations for the future. What do you hope to achieve in the coming months? Share your goals with us using #SuperwomenAchieve, and let's support each other as we pursue greatness.



Future Initiatives: Introducing Hygia Vending Machines - Your Period Convenience And Instant Solution!

As we look ahead to the future, we're excited to introduce a groundbreaking initiative that will revolutionize the way we address sudden period-related challenges. Say hello to "Hygia" - your trusted companion during unexpected moments.

Meet Hygia - Your Period Solution

Hygie is more than just a vending machine; it's a game-changer for every Superwoman. Imagine being caught off guard by your period while you're at work, school, or out and about. Hygia is here to save the day!

How Hygia Can Help You:

  • Convenience at Your Fingertips:

  •  Hygia will be strategically placed in easily accessible locations, ensuring that you're never far from the period essentials you need.

  • Emergency Supplies:

  •  Inside Hygia, you'll find a range of feminine hygiene products, from pads and tampons to discreet disposal bags and even pain relievers. It's your one-stop solution for those unexpected moments.

  • Privacy and Discretion:

  • Hygia is designed with your comfort and privacy in mind. No need to worry about awkward encounters; it's a discreet and reliable resource.

  • 24/7 Accessibility:

  • Hygia will be available round the clock, so whether it's day or night, you can count on it to provide the support you need.

We believe that every girl and woman deserves a hassle-free solution for her period needs. Hygia embodies our commitment to empowerment and ensuring that you can face any situation with confidence.

Stay tuned for more details and the official launch of Hygia. With this innovative initiative, we're taking another step forward in making your life easier and more empowered.




Celebrating the Team Behind Pakistan's First-Ever Pre Period Book Series 

Hello Everyone!

We're bursting with pride and excitement as we reflect on the incredible journey of empowerment that we embarked on last month. With the launch of Pakistan's First-Ever Pre Period Comic Book, we've not only broken barriers but also opened doors to meaningful conversations and transformative knowledge.

The Power of Knowledge: Pakistan's First-Ever Period Comic Book

"Knowledge is the first step towards confidence and empowerment."

This powerful statement resonates deeply with us at Superwomen Pakistan. We've always believed in the importance of equipping girls and young women with the information they need to navigate the transformative phase of menstruation. With this vision in mind, we proudly introduced Pakistan's First-Ever Period Comic Book.


Areeba Abid


Meet the Author: Championing Empowerment Through Words

Behind every incredible achievement is a passionate individual. In this case, it's none other than Areeba Abid, the brilliant mind and heart behind Pakistan's First-Ever Pre Period Comic Book. Areeba has poured her knowledge, empathy, and dedication into creating a resource that is truly a game-changer.


CEO Sadaf Altaf


Acknowledging Founder and CEO Sadaf Altaf's Dedication

None of this would have been possible without the unwavering dedication and leadership of our CEO, Sadaf Altaf Lohya. Her commitment to empowering women and girls is the driving force behind our organisation's success. We want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for her tireless efforts and inspiring leadership.



Highlights of Pakistan's First-Ever Period Book:

  • Comprehensive Information: This book is a treasure trove of information covering the essential aspects of the menstrual cycle, demystifying this natural process for girls. From explaining the basics to offering practical advice, it ensures that girls have the information they need to navigate this phase of life with confidence and understanding
  • Empowering Illustrations: The book features beautiful and relatable illustrations that help demystify menstruation and make it a topic that girls can engage with openly.
  • Easy to Understand & Relatable: This book is thoughtfully crafted in both English and Urdu, making it accessible and relatable for all ages. Through the captivating story of Alia, it effortlessly connects with young girls, offering them a relatable and reassuring narrative. Written in English or Urdu, it bridges language barriers to ensure that every girl can grasp its valuable insights and feel empowered
  • Breaking Taboos: We are not just breaking the silence; we're shattering taboos surrounding menstruation in Pakistan. This book boldly addresses myths and misconceptions, replacing them with facts and empowerment.


Acknowledging National Incubation Center Karachi (NIC Karachi) and SINDH ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT FUND (SEDF)

We extend our heartfelt thanks to NIC Karachi and SINDH ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT FUND for their invaluable support in bringing Pakistan's First-Ever Period Book to life. Their belief in our mission and commitment to women's empowerment have been instrumental in this achievement.



Recognition and Impact: BBC Urdu  Takes Notice

The response to Pakistan's First-Ever Period Book has been nothing short of phenomenal. We've received messages of gratitude, support, and encouragement from Superwomen across Pakistan and beyond. But it doesn't stop there. We're thrilled to announce that our initiative has caught the attention of major media outlets, including the BBC, who recognize the significance of this milestone.


A Future of Empowerment: What's Next?

With the successful launch of our period book, we're energized and motivated to continue our mission of empowerment. Our commitment to providing knowledge, support, and resources to young girls remains unwavering.

As we move forward, we invite you to join us in celebrating this achievement. Let's use Pakistan's First-Ever Period Comic Book as a stepping stone toward a future where every girl is equipped with the knowledge and confidence she needs to embrace her journey into womanhood.

Thank you for being part of our Superwomen community, where empowerment knows no bounds.

Thank You, Superwomen

As we celebrate our recognition and achievements, we extend our heartfelt thanks to each Superwoman in our community. Your strength, determination, and unity drive our success. Together, we'll keep growing, achieving, and inspiring positive change.

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